Saturday, October 06, 2007

Thinking the thinkable: Why I am voting for Obama in the primary

Any of the likely Republican nominees are all right with me. McCain has been right on the Iraq war. Giuliani has been an effective administrator. Thompson speaks well, goes back to appropriate first principles in making a decision. But a Democrat may be elected. Megan McArdle recommends Obama because he has the best principal economic advisor. He's not a liar as revealed by what he said when asked why he wasn't wearing an American flag lapel pin. Hilary abuses little people close to her office and the law based on her having gained stroke in the government and lies about it. A white acquaintance worked for the Illinois State Senate when Obama was a Senator and says, 'He (Barack Obama) is a nice guy.'


  1. Mike,
    I'm shocked! I like Edwards, but will vote for Obama if he's the nominee. I saw him speak at a rally in Philly a couple of years ago, I guess. He got huge crowds, was a witty speaker, very likeable and obviously super-smart.

  2. I'm shocked b/c I didn't think you would vote for a Democrat. Shocked, but pleased!

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