Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Univision gave Obama a hard time about immigration and subsequently reported that Operation Fast and Furious led to the deaths of 16 Mexican youths. I am reminded of a story told me by 'Pickle' who happened to walk into my room in college when I had accidentally run into a former girl friend and was feeling blue. One day in Mexico the federales came to a rural area and the next day there were some young men hanging by their necks on a rope across a street. The sign 'This is what happens to people who sell drugs to the Americans' hung there also. Maybe it was the next day in the same area that there were some 13 men hung from telephone poles. 'This is what happens to people who kill our children' the sign said. The sadism did me good; I felt pretty good that evening. Going back to the Unvision story, I think it is more dangerous for Obama politically than his operation may realize.

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