Thursday, July 27, 2006

A Liberal Republican Like Dad

Peggy Noonan wonders why Mr. Bush calls our foreign minister 'Condi' and has other heartfelt thoughts. I can't disagree about forced informality. I was told to call the boss, 40 years older, at a technology institute 'Jim' when I was in college, would have been comfortable calling him Mr. X. Felt so alienated I became a doctor. The WSJ was kind of enough to include my thoughts on "W" and Ronald Reagan in their "Reader Responses":

Know? Trust? No Bush would start his presidential campaign near the Tallahatchie River where Emmett Till was killed. Reagan did; Southern strategy I guess. "W" is a liberal Republican like his dad. His school is practical politics. Part of his insistence on being himself was abjuring reading conservative political philosophy, "Leftism" by Kuenhelt-Leddihn for example, which could have better led him away from clichés about what America should be and was, though he has an insider's experience reflected in saying "Condi."


Trish said...

Do you really think W is a liberal Republican?

Anonymous said...

His expanding the Dept. of Education in giving funding for 'No Child Left Behind,' the Medicare Drug benefit are markers of that, as was his original idea to revise the sanctions against Iraq.

Trish said...

I don't think GW is a traditional conservative in the Goldwater mold. I think Barry would be pissed in the extreme by the bunch in the Bush administration. And God knows he is a spender, ie, the War in Iraq, but Liberal is a stretch, Mike.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of liberal spending.